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1. What else is colon hydrotherapy known as?
2. How do I know colon hydrotherapy is good for me?
3. How many colonic sessions do I need?
4. Should I take a colon herbal or fiber cleanse before the colon hydrotherapy session?
5. Are there any preparations prior to the session?
6. How long does the colon hydrotherapy session last?
7. How will I feel after the procedure?
8. What should I eat after a session?
9. Will my flora need to be replaced after the session?
10. What type of equipment does your clinic use?
11. Will colon hydrotherapy cleanse my entire colon?
12. What is the difference between an enema and colon hydrotherapy?
13. Will I lose weight from colon hydrotherapy?
14. What if my menstrual cycle begins at the time of the colon hydrotherapy appointment?
15. If I am a nursing mother, can I receive colon hydrotherapy?
16. Will my insurance pay for my hydrotherapy session?
Colon hydrotherapy is also known as colonic, colonic irrigation, high enema, and colon therapy.
We believe that everyone can benefit from colon hydrotherapy. Today our diets consist mostly of refined, processed food that is high in saturated fats and low in fiber. Eating these foods, overeating, ignoring the urge to eliminate, stress, and medications all can contribute to poor colon health. The colon contains the largest concentration of bacteria in the body. Waste material allowed to stagnate
alters the proportion of friendly bacteria to unfriendly bacteria, disrupting the balance of microorganisms essential to the health of the colon and the body in general. Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, or gastrointestinal pain may alert you to colon
One colon hydrotherapy treatment is better than not having your colon cleansed at all, however, after years of improper diet, drugs, and lack of exercise, the colon can hold on to matter and abuse cannot be reversed in just one treatment. Therefore, it is of great value to get several sessions.
A series of 3, 6, or 12 may be needed to completely cleanse the colon. Your colon therapist will be able to determine the number of sessions needed after working with you the first time. This will be determined by your medical history and the assessment of the release of matter and the colon hydrotherapy session itself.
Once an initial cleanse takes place, it is suggested to follow up with routine maintenance cleanses. One suggestion is to schedule your maintenance cleansing at the change of seasons. For other people, and individual preventative maintenance plan of weekly, monthly, etc. will be determined depending on one’s health issues.
No. Our therapists like to see what the client’s body is doing on its own. Taking colon cleanses prior to the session prevents the therapist from assessing the body in its natural state. However, we do support detoxing the body through fasting and other means once the therapist has completed the initial assessment.
The day of the session we ask that you refrain from eating a full meal 2 hours prior to the session. However, you can snack on light food such as fruit. Please refrain from a large intake of fluids one hour prior to the session.
Plan on being at our clinic for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The colon hydrotherapy session itself is 45 minutes. We ask that you be on time for your session. Being late can terminate your session will a full treatment fee charged. Our therapists have set aside this time for you personally and will need the entire time in order to be complete with the treatment. We will need the extra time before and after the session to personally direct and inform you of the findings of your colon assessment.
This will greatly depend on your own body. Most clients feel great after their sessions, reporting that their energy was increased, they felt lighter, and all bloating and gas had disappeared. For other people, the cleansing can stir up old debris and toxins, which may account for a little fatigue. If this occurs, we recommend plenty of water and eating something to adsorb and flush the toxins.
In general, we ask that you avoid high fiber foods for the first meal after your colon hydrotherapy, such as raw foods, corn, beans, cabbage, nuts, and seeds. These foods can be gas-producing when they immediately follow a colon hydrotherapy session. However, our therapist looks at each client individually and will inform you of a recommended diet.
We recommend that you use probiotics on a regular basis, but not because of colon hydrotherapy. We use only filtered water and one session will not flush the friendly intestinal flora out of the colon. Drinking a cup of coffee, black tea, soda, and eating certain foods on a daily basis destroy the flora. The therapist will assist you in how to choose the right probiotic for you to take.
Our equipment is the Toxygen Model BSC-UV and is a closed system designed by Dotolo Research Corp. with safety and hygiene as primary requisites. Registered with the FDA, our system is both gentle and effective, designed with pressure sensitivity and temperature-control features along with disposable packet, eliminating any possibility of contamination. Our wall unit also features a three-stage water filtration system that reduces and eliminates chlorine, bacteria and viruses. he water and waste lines are two separate lines and never interact with one another. All waste is contained in a closed tube releasing directly into the sewer system with no odor. The therapist remains in the room with the client at all times. You can read more under frequently asked questions about the colon hydrotherapy equipment we use.
That will depend from person to person. If you eat a very healthy diet and have a bowel movement after each meal, it is possible to reach the beginning of the colon. However, if you do not have regular bowel movements and have an unhealthy diet, it may take several sessions to break the solid matter off the walls of the colon. The colon is a like a plate of food that has been left out overnight--we have to soak it to loosen the matter.
An enema only reaches the rectum and lower art of the colon (sigmoid colon), whereas colon hydrotherapy cleanses the entire length of the colon, about 5.5 to 6 feet. Colon hydrotherapy is many more times effective than an enema. According to Dr. Norman Walker, "One colon irrigation is equivalent to 30 enemas."
Colon hydrotherapy alone may be very helpful in assisting to rid the colon of built-up waste material. In autopsies, medical doctors have found as much as thirty pounds of undigested fecal matter in people's coons. The less built up and impacted waste material you are carrying around, the less you will weigh. With regard to colonics and continued physiological weight loss on a metabolic level, under the supervision of a certified colon hydrotherapist it is very possible to continue to lose weight in an healthy manner. If you are not having three bowel movements a day, you have a clogged colon. The colon gets clogged by over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs, lack of water, lack of fiber, lack of digestive enzymes, improper food combining, lack of exercise, and many other factors. Unless you clean your colon, digestion will remain slow, metabolism will remain slow, food cravings will remain high, hunger will remain high due to lack of nutrients being absorbed properly, and you may have a difficult time in weight loss.
Your menstrual cycle is a good time to receive a session, since your body is already cleaning. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment. Just inform your therapist that you are on your cycle before you begin your session.
At our clinic, we do not administer colon hydrotherapy to nursing mothers. This is not the time to detox. When receiving colon hydrotherapy, toxins can be released throughout the body, including into the mother's milk. This may be harmful to the baby.
This depends on your insurance company. At this time, our office does not file insurance claims. However, we will provide you with a receipt to file with your insurance company. Some clients do claim the colon hydrotherapy on their flex accounts.